Trace of Spice


Learn to cook Southeast Asian food from an expert


What inspires you?

Are you someone creative who likes to try out different recipes. Do you feel like you want to keep your cooking skills alive and not lose them as time goes by.

Then again, you may be someone from Southeast Asia who just wants to keep your mom’s cooking skills alive, for the next generation.

Whether you are inspired because you absolutely love to throw parties, impress your significant other, or just plain like to cook – You have come to the right place. Read more about us.


Subscribe to Join Trace of Spice YouTube Channel and watch the recipes being prepared.


Our Recipes

Our recipes are mostly from Southeast Asia. This region generally comprises India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh. Although the local recipes might differ somewhat, yet the taste of Southeast Asia is unique from the rest of the world. No wonder Christopher Columbus was on his way to this land when he discovered America. That being said anyone trying out these recipes might try some fusion with other styles of cooking. Good luck and we look forward to your happy cooking. Please subscribe to get the latest recipes.

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– Muneera

"I'm so excited. Can't wait"

– River chan


San Francisco Bay Area